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How to repair unseated kitchen sink tap?

Finding My Feet

How to repair unseated kitchen sink tap?

My Mondello Cadenza mixer tap has become unseated and it looks like it was glued on rather than by a retaining nut system due to the thickness of the wooden bench top. I'm thinking if I fill the tiny amount of wood which rotted and sand then glue back on with Liquid Nails? That would secure the basal ring but can't work out how the actual tap affixes to the basal ring. It its nicely but there are no lugs or any apparent means of securing. So how has it been working? How do I fix this? I have flexible hoses


Mondella mixer tap.jpg

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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Kitchen sink tap repair

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @cormackles. It's wonderful to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about connecting a sink mixer.

It doesn't appear that the sink mixer was glued onto the bench. The darkened area of timber looks to be just a wear mark. I suggest the fixing mechanism has become loose and fallen off inside your cabinet. Have a good look around and try to find it. I believe the Candenza uses a length of threaded tube inside the end of the mixer. This passes through the bench, and another length of plastic threaded tube is used as a nut.


If they were used, those nuts would be hanging off your mixer hoses. As you mentioned, perhaps they weren't used, but I don't believe adhesive would be an adequate way to hold the mixer in position.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



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Re: Kitchen sink tap repair

Mitchell, thanks. Missing pieces were found in the recycling bin! All fixed


Re: Kitchen sink tap repair

Awesome @cormackles. What a great Saturday morning win!




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