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How to tighten flexible hoses to a Mondella sink mixer?

Finding My Feet

How to tighten flexible hoses to a Mondella sink mixer?


Purchased this mixer but can’t see how you can properly tighten the two flex hoses to the mixer body. Previous mixers I’ve installed had the inlet tails at the base of the mixer, but this Mondella Resonance mixer has the inlets right up inside the body (about where the spout arm is). No way to get a spanner or grip up in there. Do I need to disassemble the mixer body to reach the two inlet points? Appreciate any help.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Tightening flexible hoses to a Mondella sink mixer

Hi @RichardT,


Thank you for the additional details. We appreciate you letting us know about this issue.

We have notified the relevant people, and Mondella and our team will work to resolve the issue.


Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to assist at this time.



Home Improvement Guru

Re: How to tighten flexible hoses to a Mondella sink mixer?

Hello fellow DIY'ers.


"can’t see how you can properly tighten the two flex hoses to the mixer body."


This has piqued my curiosity.

A glass of wine and I am on my back with my phone looking up.

I am convinced this is a Bunnings mixer.

I know I installed it.

And I'm convinced I connected the 'hookers' according to the instructions. You feed them into/onto the correct connections and then - "Hand tightened"

No need for spanners/wrenches.

No leaking over 9 years of use.


Or am I completely wrong?



Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: How to tighten flexible hoses to a Mondella sink mixer?

Hello @Noyade 


It may very well be that it is hand tightened, but let's wait for confirmation from Mondella in regards to the proper procedure of hose installation.




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