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How to change sink strainer?

Growing in Experience

How to change sink strainer?

Hi I have an old style sink drain with the ole waffle stomp design. I'm wondering how hard it would be to convert it to one that takes those deeper collectors than you can push down to plug the sink


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: sink strainer

Hi @dopeassmonkey,


Thank you for your question about changing your sink waste over to a different style.


Can you advise whether you are looking for a popup waste or a basket waste?


As long as the plumbing connections are in place, it should be a simple case of unscrewing your current waste, purchasing a new waste that is compatible with your basin and pipes and screwing it in. If any alterations need to be made to the pipes beneath the basin, then you'll need the assistance of a plumber.


Basin wastes are held in place by a brass or PVC nut on the underside of the sink. Unscrew this nut to remove the waste. You can then bring it in-store with you to match up with a new waste in your style of choice ensuring that it is compatible. You'll need to ensure the thread on the bottom of the waste is compatible with your current pipes and the flange around the top of the waste will fit inside the rebate of your basin.


Assuming no alterations need to be made to the pipes, you should be able to simply reverse the steps you took to remove your current waste.


Let me know what you think and if you have further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.




Growing in Experience

Re: sink strainer

Thanks for your input everyone on here is so nice and helpful compared to most internet forums.  I have pulled it apart already and measured it all and have struggled to find one from bunnings the same size but I'm yet to bring in it to try and match one.. I'm not sure what I was trying to gain by posting in guessing just someone in the exact same position telling me which one to buy but thankyou I do appreciate it.  Also looked into just getting an entire new sink but it's an awkward size of about 1.3 ish and it's hard to find replacements

Re: sink strainer

Hi @dopeassmonkey,


We try to foster an environment where everyone feels welcome, so it is wonderful to get your feedback.


Often the easiest way to match things up is to put them right next to each other and compare.


As I mentioned, the main measurements you'll need to match up are the outside diameter of the thread at the bottom of the waste and the flange at the top.


If you could advise which style of waste you want and these measurements, I can do my best to find you a suitable replacement.


It looks like your basin sits in a cutout on your benchtop, so I would be very surprised if you could find a replacement that fits exactly in the cut-out. If you replaced the benchtop, your options would open up greatly, but obviously, that would increase the cost of the project. 


I'd be happy to assist further if you have any other questions.




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