Getting Established

How to revive English elm tree?

I bought an English elm and it wasn't in the best shape. There is no leaves on the leader near the top. Is there a way can I fix this?

So far I have reported it in well draining soil but what else can I do?




Kind of a Big Deal

Re: how can I fix this tree

Good afternoon @Troy2 

You have done the right thing by repotting it into a larger pot, that’s essential mate. 
Please give it a good soaking with Seasol as that is helpful with transplant shock. 
I would personally cut off the dead leader branch, this will then encourage new growth to shoot. Just make sure you keep an eye on the watering so it doesn’t dry out. 
Good luck, it may take a bit of time but it should recover 🌿🌿🌿

Getting Established

Re: how can I fix this tree

Thank you for your response how much of the leader would need to be cut off would you think.

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: how can I fix this tree

Just cut out the dead section @Troy2 

Getting Established

Re: how can I fix this tree

How do I determine if the section is dead as in how far down the leader is dead

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: how can I fix this tree


 Just cut this off @Troy2 

Getting Established

Re: how can I fix this tree

Ok thank you for the help @mich1972 

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: how can I fix this tree

Hi @Troy2,


It's great to see that @mich1972 has provided some helpful advice and a big welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, too. I'd agree that the dead leader needs to go.


We look forward to hearing all about your projects and plans around the house and garden. Please reach anytime you need assistance or have something to share.




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