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Help for gardening projects
Just Starting Out
6 replies

Hi everyone my eucalyptus baby blue is turning brown and drying out after stems or trees       died. Can anyone help identify what disease or fungu ...

Community Newcomer

My partner and I recently purchased a home in Frankston area and we are not familiar with houses on stumps as they don't have them in Europe or the US ...

Just Starting Out
6 replies

  Hi All, I was hoping to get some advice as I cannot tell if these holes are from borers or the neighbour has drilled and poisoned tree. All I kn ...

Community Newcomer
3 replies

Planting Miles Choice Bay Laurels - do i need to stake them?

Just Starting Out
2 replies

Hi everyone, I’m new to camellia . I bought this Camellia Cinammon Cindy from Bunnings last week. There are lots of buds on the plant. I’m loving it! ...

Community Newcomer

I just put in a large planter box for semi-dwarf citrus (5' wide x 3' deep) as part of a landscape project and would love suggestions on what to fill ...

Finding My Feet
25 replies

I have cut down two of the bamboo clumps (I believe this is clumping bamboo) and cut down half of the other. I am applying Roundup on the leaves and n ...

Just Starting Out
6 replies

Hello! We have a run of viburnum trees. Approx 12 trees over 12 metres and they are now about 4 metres high. About six months ago, after a large prune ...

Finding My Feet
8 replies

hi everyone, my golf ball plants have been doing well for a few years with minimal and recently some of them have developed black spots and one of t ...

Finding My Feet
1 reply

       hi experts, what is wrong with my golf balls ? They are slowing dying out. and how can I bring them back to good health again? I do have Ec ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

I'm planning to build a retaining wall and will need to cut some sleepers. Do the cut ends of the sleepers need to be treated with wood preservative? ...

Growing in Experience
4 replies

I bought these pruners and used them today, but found after 15 mins they stopped due to thermal overload! It was a cool day of 20 degrees. They were w ...

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