My partner and I recently purchased a home in Frankston area and we are not familiar with houses on stumps as they don't have them in Europe or the US ...
Hi everyone, I’m new to camellia . I bought this Camellia Cinammon Cindy from Bunnings last week. There are lots of buds on the plant. I’m loving it! ...
I just put in a large planter box for semi-dwarf citrus (5' wide x 3' deep) as part of a landscape project and would love suggestions on what to fill ...
I have cut down two of the bamboo clumps (I believe this is clumping bamboo) and cut down half of the other. I am applying Roundup on the leaves and n ...
Hello! We have a run of viburnum trees. Approx 12 trees over 12 metres and they are now about 4 metres high. About six months ago, after a large prune ...
hi everyone,
my golf ball plants have been doing well for a few years with minimal and recently some of them have developed black spots and one of t ...
I'm planning to build a retaining wall and will need to cut some sleepers. Do the cut ends of the sleepers need to be treated with wood preservative? ...
I bought these pruners and used them today, but found after 15 mins they stopped due to thermal overload! It was a cool day of 20 degrees. They were w ...
We wanted to stain a cabin deck but also cover a bit of an unsightly edge along the side. I wanted it to be as labor "unintensive" as possible and aft ...