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Help for gardening projects
Community Newcomer
1 reply

Hi Everyone, just rebuilding the home orchard after it burnt down in 2021.. I'm using retic poly to sheath the wire to protect the netting. So I purc ...

Community Newcomer
3 replies

Getting Established
2 replies

I bought these pruners and used them today, but found after 15 mins they stopped due to thermal overload! It was a cool day of 20 degrees. They were w ...

Having an Impact
1 reply

First time doing plantings in garden bed. Seems like some pest on the leaves (image below). Any organic home remedies or neem oil spray to p ...

Community Newcomer
2 replies

I cannot get a gardener to come and trim it and frankly I’m over it. I just want it gone. So what product do I buy and how do I go about poisoning thi ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

  Hi Team. I am planning to have the rola pak garden edging in my front yard. However there is the green electrical box around. Is it safe to install ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

Hi team, we planted Murraya last year June/July in our front yard to create a hedge. Most of the plants are growing fine except of a few plants leaves ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

Hello! I am just about to lay some turf then found these on the soil. Do I get rid of it or can leave them? thanks

Finding My Feet
3 replies

We bought a Banksia verticillata and planted 2-3 months ago. Since planting it hasn’t grown, and started to shrink and get brown leaves. At first, I t ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

   so what's is destroying lillypillie, i found these cocoons, is it this beetle I hear about or some random caterpillar, 樂 can you assist me to i ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

   these black areas on my teddy bears are starting to worry us. I have sprayed with congaurd once with no change. Any suggestions

Finding My Feet
3 replies

Hello, I'm trying to figure out if the grass in my backyard appears to be Kikuyu, they do look similar but I'm no expert. Hoping someone could help m ...

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