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Help for gardening projects
Cultivating a Following
5 replies

Hi All, Planning to do backyard for my house and looking for some suggestions, The lot is an East facing one and we are planning to extend the Alfre ...

Just Starting Out
4 replies

My partner and I recently purchased a home in Frankston area and we are not familiar with houses on stumps as they don't have them in Europe or the US ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

I'm planning to build a retaining wall and will need to cut some sleepers. Do the cut ends of the sleepers need to be treated with wood preservative? ...

Building a Reputation
7 replies

Hi all, I plan on laying a number of 30mm thick bluestone steeping stone pavers (various round sizes) on a grass area. Is the process to remove the gr ...

Just Starting Out
2 replies

I have an old wooden retaining wall. The previous owners did not put down shingle and drainage pipe behind the fence. Now the hill side is cracking wi ...

Just Starting Out
1 reply

Hi, looking for some advice on how to remove the tree stumps as cost effective as possible and to level the soil? The main goal is having a levelled g ...

Having an Impact
7 replies

I have a ambitious goal to change this part of the yard into a separate entertainment area. The pit with gravel is the drainage channel and where ...

Finding My Feet
5 replies

    Hello community, would love your help and advice for the garden. I have a raised garden bed with two large palm trees in it. I am looking to add ...

Just Starting Out
4 replies

  I need design help! We are trying to get our property ready to sell. We need to give the front of the house and the garden some TLC. What minor im ...

Building a Reputation
9 replies

Hi all, I'm looking to build a brick garden bed on a slope, do you dig the slope until it's flat or do you cut the brick?     I know the photos a ...

Finding My Feet
1 reply

      Hi Guys, I need help to fix my backyard as the level of it is so bad causing water pooling on one side. I hired a landscaper to do my bac ...

Cultivating a Following
7 replies

      Hello there. I am planning retaining wall in my backyard, having slope of approx 600mm from the lowest point to the desired height of Alfresc ...

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