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droopy leaves
droopy leaves
the new growth used to look lile this 👇🏻 when it was in the pot.
Hi I need some advice please!
We just transferred our lily pilly from pot to our ground yesterday and today we noticed that the new growth leaves are drooping and starting to get curly. Can you please tell me what would be the possible cause and any suggestions to save it not to die?
Appreciate a response.
@KelvinDiane Good morning, that’s just transplant shock, very normal. Soak them all with Seasol as that helps with the transplant shock and they will recover. Keep an eye on the watering, deep watering into the root system. Good luck and keep in touch if you need more help 🪴😊🪴Also make sure that you have plenty of soil improvement in each planting hole. May I ask if you teased the root system before planting ? Sometimes potted plants can be really root bound .
Hi @KelvinDiane
That exposed black plastic will also be giving of a blast of heat if you can mulch it soon.
And I like @mich1972 advice re seasol and watering too,
Hello @KelvinDiane
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's wonderful to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about your Lilly Pilly.
I agree with @mich1972, it's probably transplant shock. I recommend following the suggestions made and use Seasol with your watering regimen. For the meantime, keep watch and tell us if it starts to display any other symptoms.
If you have any other questions we can help with, please let us know.
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