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Why is my Woolly Bush turning white?

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Why is my Woolly Bush turning white?

Hi folks! I bought this lovely big woolly bush at the weekend, along with a bag of native potting mix. Less than a week after planting it in a large terracotta pot, the bush's tips are already turning white. I've seen some horror stories here of woolly bushes so would like some advice before it's too late to save it.


For background, as well as being planted in native plant potting mix and a terracotta pot with decent drainage, it was thoroughly watered on Sunday when I planted it, and again on Tuesday (with some native fertiliser for good measure). It gets full sun during the day. I don't know if it needs more water or less water, or less sun, or if it's something fungal, or if the planting stress has done it in. Anyone got any suggestions?


Woolly Bush.jpgwb2.jpgwb3.jpgwb1.jpg

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Why are my woolly bush's tips turning white?

Hi @TenaciousJay 

I think your plants just stressed from the change over to a new  pot.


Try  pulling out some fertiliser from the pot too just in case it might be too much as woollies  generally only need a bit in spring time,

And  I am not saying you over did the fretilizer its just a plan just in case.


It cant be mealy bugs or soil borne fungi  so  quickly as a  cause.


Try digging down past the roots and check soil moister to wet to dry as a guide,


Well  Seasol as a   plant destresser  and Gogo  juice is soil prebiotic  for healthy soil. I always  use  with new  plants as they cost so much these days


I used to put them in the  ground and just tell em to grow.

So  I had too develop  a new plan as top above


I hope your plant pulls through soon but not panic time yet.

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: Why is my Woolly Bush turning white?

A warm welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, @TenaciousJay. It's a pleasure having you join our group of D.I.Y. enthusiasts who are sharing creative projects and exchanging handy D.I.Y. advice on the site everyday. 


Sorry to hear about your Woolly Bush. Great to see you've already received advice from the helpful @JewelleryrescueLet me also call upon our garden experts @Noelle and @mich1972 for their thoughts. 


While waiting, you might want to check out Noelle's comprehensive guide How to diagnose a sick plant for advice on identifying common issues that afflict plants in case it helps. 



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Bunnings Team Member

Re: Why is my Woolly Bush turning white?

Hi @TenaciousJay,


I am under the impression that the new growth tips have those white/lighter colours, which is perfectly normal. When they harden off and age, they'll look similar to the other growth. However, I believe that Wooly bushes also turn white and dry out due to illness. At this early stage, I'd ensure that it gets at least a couple of good drinks per week and place it in a location that doesn't receive full midday/afternoon sun.


Let me tag @Noelle and @mich1972 to get their thoughts.


Remember, we have a Perfect Plant Promise, so if anything goes wrong, you're covered.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Why is my Woolly Bush turning white?

Good morning @TenaciousJay looking like your Woolly bush is starting to wilt. Please make sure that you are giving it a good watering so it gets right into the root system. Terracotta pots ( my favourite  )are brilliant but they do dry out quickly so keep an eye on them. I noticed that the soil level is very high and this could be causing the water not to soak in. If you could level the soil that would be great. Also your pot sitting close to the fence, the heat radiating from the fence can affect it too. Good luck and keep in touch 😊🪴

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Why is my Woolly Bush turning white?

Hi @TenaciousJay 

@MitchellMc  and @mich1972  have given you excellent advice.  The new growth on woollybush is very soft and white. It will wilt very quickly if the potting mix/soil is not sufficiently moist. Removing a couple of centimetres of mix from the top of the pot to create a watering sauce is a great idea. I would not go digging down to examine the roots as the plant has only just been repotted and doesn't need any further trauma. Wilting isn't caused by overfeeding either, so that also isn't an issue at this time.

Move the pot into a slightly more sheltered spot until the plant has established itself in its new pot and then gradually move it back to where it is now over a few weeks, make sure it is watered (but do not over-water!) and it should settle in well.

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