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Why do my jade plants leaves have roots growing from them?

Growing in Experience

Why do my jade plants leaves have roots growing from them?



Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Re: why do my jade plants leaves have roots growing from them ?

Hi @yumnaqazi,


Your jade plant looks lovely in this basket. Let me tag @Noelle who may be able to offer advice.


You can also find helpful tips for growing a healthy jade plant in this guide: How To Grow, Care For And Propagate Jade Plants.




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Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Why do my jade plants leaves have roots growing from them?

Hi @yumnaqazi 


It is not at all unusual for jade plants and other succulents to produce roots from stem joints or nodes, as that's how they grow and spread in their natural environment to form large clumps or groups of plants. They don't always do this when grown in pots or hanging planters but will do so when conditions are right.


What this means is that you can cut off some of these sections with roots, pot them up and increase the number of plants you have, or grow them on as gifts for friends!  "Bonus" plants that didn't cost you anything.

Growing in Experience

Re: Why do my jade plants leaves have roots growing from them?

Thankyouuu so much I can't tell you how great it feels to hear that. I feel like im always doing something wrong with my plants. 


I gave watered them as I wrote that post? Is that okay??  

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Why do my jade plants leaves have roots growing from them?

The same watering "rules" apply to the jade plant as the aeonium - test to see if the top 5cm of soil is dry before adding more water and allow excess to drain out the bottom of the pot. Don't stand pots in saucers of water.

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