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What’s eating my lily pillies?

Growing in Experience

What’s eating my lily pillies?



My Garden is just recovering from a major white scale infestation which resulted in me having to lop the Lilly Pillies back to the fence line. They are growing but something is eating the green shoots. I can’t see anything on the leaves. Any ideas what it is and how to stop it? 




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: What’s eating my lily pillies?

Hello @RachSyd 


Thanks for sharing your question about what's eating your lilly pilly leaves. It's definitely a leaf eating insect of some sort, and I propose looking very carefully at the branches as they can hide extremely well on the branch itself.  I propose using Eco-Organic Garden 100ml Eco-Neem Concentrate. For effective coverage, please make sure to spray under leaves well. Please make sure to wear personal protection such as gloves, goggles and a proper mask.


I also suggest having a quick look at this guide: How to diagnose a sick plant by @Noelle.


If you need further assistance, please let us know.




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