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What are these insects on my Lilly Pilly?

Finding My Feet

What are these insects on my Lilly Pilly?



Our Lilly Pily Cascade hedge seems to be rather unwell. It was a full hedge for the last 2-3 years but now has brown/ dead sections. 


Could these insects be the reason? Does anyone know what they are!? There's so many of them.




Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Does anyone know what these insects are on my Lilly Pilly?

Hi @lillypilly15,


Thank you for your question and welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is wonderful to have you with us.


It looks like you've got an infestation of Torpedo Bugs/Green Planthoppers (Siphanta acuta) which are a sap-sucking insect that in large quantities could certainly cause some issues.


Unfortunately, there are no products that specifically mention them, however, Eco-Neem Concentrate can be used to control a variety of plant-sucking insects, so this is something you could try.


Allow me to tag @Noelle, @robchin and @mich1972 to see if they have any advice.




Re: Does anyone know what these insects are on my Lilly Pilly?

Thank you so much!! I'll try some of that Neem product you mentioned and see how we go. 


Thanks again - really appreciate it!

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