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Propagating roses from cuttings

Making a Splash

Propagating roses from cuttings

Hi all, 


I have some carpet roses that I got from the big green store couple of years ago. Last year, during pruning time, I've stuck a cutting in a seed raising mix which took roots and now growing in soil. 


This year I thought I will extend the experiment, (don't really have room for anymore roses) and kept a few cuttings in water. 

This is what I have found after a few days. Beautiful little shoots coming off the cuttings!




Couldn't find any roots though!


I was wondering if someone could help me understand what happened? As I was thinking roots come first before new shoots while propagating in water, like devil's ivy etc.,


Can they just be planted in to a seed raising mix and are they likely to take off?


Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Propagating roses from cuttings

Hi @Neo19,


Leaf and some flower buds have their own stored supply of energy nestled at their base. You've placed the cuttings in water, which has activated this leaf formation and their consumption of that energy. It's also the reason why leaves growing on a cutting in soil is not a reliable indicator that roots have developed. Once the leaves develop, they will provide food to the cutting via photosynthesis, helping it to produce roots. 


I'd suggest that if you planted them in soil, you'd have as much chance of them taking off as any other cutting. It sounds like you had good luck last year, though. You might like to dip their ends in some Yates 50ml Red Clonex Rooting Hormone Gel to increase your chances.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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