Having an Impact

Plant Identifier

Hi @EricL and @MitchellMc 


Please need some help with identifying what these two plants are. The first one is a ground cover growing on one side of the garden and the second one is a small plant that is growing from the base on of a larger plant. 


Many Thanks



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Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Plant Identifier

Hi Partha (@PN),


The first one is a type of Viola. If it gets tiny little purple and white flowers, it is a native Viola. The second I believe, is a Sweet Pittosporum undulatum. It's considered a relatively invasive weedy type plant in gardens. They often pop up around the place as their fruit and seeds are carried around by native wildlife. Unless you want it there, I'd suggest removing it.


Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Having an Impact

Re: Plant Identifier

Hi @MitchellMc Mitchell


Thank you so much for both identification. That is very helpful. 





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