Amassing an Audience

Make a frog pot

1 Frog Pot.jpg

Currently at work we are installing frog ponds in schools around the local area. One of the challenges has been establishing plant life to provide shelter from predators. Getting frogs to lay is relatively easy, a saucer full of water is generally all they need, but predation of the juvenile frogs takes a massive toll.

Whilst establishing the environment around the pond we came up with an easy and cheap portable home until more suitable plant growth comes in. 


All you'll need- Two pots, one larger than the other

                        A large saucer

                        A bolt with nut and washers

                        Sphagnum moss + terrarium plants2 What You'll Need.jpg




Simply connect the two pots with the bolt and washers 3 Join Pots With Bolt.jpg




 Add sphagnum moss to saucer and add terrarium plants around the exterior4 Fill saucer with Spagnum Moss.jpg





Then water till the Sphagnum greens back up (generally it is still alive, but dormant in the bag) may take several days5 Water + Add Mini Plants.jpg




The gap between the two pots allows the frogs access inside and prevents predators getting to them.6 Gap To Enter.jpg





Through capillary action the inside pot draws water up from the base and keeps the top pot wet, similar to a bushman's fridge it keeps the whole unit cool and humid inside.7 Water Getting Drawn Up.jpg





This would be a perfect project for the kids on a weekend, they could decorate the top too. Plus if you sneak out in the day time and lift the pot, you may find the frogs taking refuge.

The Australian museum also has a great free app for identifying frogs by their call. As a species which is so susceptible to environmental change, they are a great indicator species for the health of the environment around us.

Aus Museum Frog ID APP download


Happy Frogging!!






I am a Bunnings team member. Any opinions or recommendations shared here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Bunnings. Visit the Bunnings website for assistance from the customer service team.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Make a Frog Pot!

Love it @MitchellM, many thanks for sharing. This would make a fantastic school holiday project to do with the kids.




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Getting Established

Re: Make a Frog Pot!

That looks fantastic... on my to do list 👏
Becoming a Leader

Re: Make a Frog Pot!

love our big green tree frogs here when the rains come, nice little project

Re: Make a Frog Pot!

Great project, Mitchell 👍
Amassing an Audience

Re: Make a Frog Pot!

@nicholas Thanks a bunch! Awaiting feedback on it from the scientists @ the Australian Museum, hopefully they give it the big A OK or let me know how to improve on it.

I am a Bunnings team member. Any opinions or recommendations shared here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Bunnings. Visit the Bunnings website for assistance from the customer service team.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Make a Frog Pot!

@Daisy and @nicholas,


Many thanks for joining in the discussion and a very warm welcome to Workshop to you both. Feel free to post anytime you need a hand or have something to share. We're confident you'll get loads of helpful advice, information and inspiration from Workshop community members. 




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Getting Established

Re: Make a frog pot

Hope I get some frogs 🐸🐸


Community Manager
Community Manager

Re: Make a frog pot

That was quick @Daisy. Very well done!


Looking forward to seeing what you make next. You should find plenty of inspiration around here. :bigsmile:




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Amassing an Audience

Re: Make a frog pot

@Daisy Fantastic! It's great to see others getting onboard with this fun little project. I was out last night climbing through the bushes using the Frog ID App to

record my frogs. Amazing stuff!

I am a Bunnings team member. Any opinions or recommendations shared here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of Bunnings. Visit the Bunnings website for assistance from the customer service team.

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