I have Lilly Pilly trees on 2 fences in back yard. I have noticed since the winter frosts that they have stopped growing (I usually trim them back regularly) and white spots have developed on the leaves
Hello @Glen0644
Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community. It's sensational to have you join us, and thanks for sharing your question about your lilly piiys.
Your Lilly Pilly trees may have pests causing the white spots on the leaves. Common pests like mealybugs or scale insects often appear as white spots and can damage the plant if left untreated. Inspect the leaves closely to see if any pests are present. If you find them, an insecticidal spray or neem oil spray can help control the infestation. Be sure to cover all affected areas especially under the leaves and repeat as necessary according to the product instructions. Regular monitoring and treatment will help keep your Lilly Pillys healthy and allow for normal growth to resume.
Alternatively, if the white spots on the leaves appear powdery rather than insect-like, this may indicate a fungal infection such as powdery mildew. Winter frost can make plants more susceptible to such infections, which hinder their growth. In this case, treat the plants with a fungicide suitable for powdery mildew and follow the label directions carefully. Additionally, ensure the trees are getting adequate water, especially during dry spells.
When you see new growth in spring, apply a balanced fertilizer to promote recovery, and add mulch around the base to help retain moisture and improve soil health.
Please remember to wear personal protection such as gloves, goggles and a mask when using the chemical sprays. Please make sure to follow all the safety guidelines indicated at the back of the packaging.
If you need further assistance, please let us know.
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