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How to revive Lily Pilly after pest attack?

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How to revive Lily Pilly after pest attack?




 Hello everyone. My LilyPillies were attacked about a month ago (not very certain which pest). I consulted with our local Bunnings and sprayed them with the shown pesticide (twice with a gap of 2 weeks). One of them has sprung back to life with new growth visible (picture) but the other harder hit one shows no sign of recovery yet. As I can still see some green leaves, I'm hopeful it still has a chance. But losing hope fast. What can I do? Should I wait, re spray or just replace?

Thanks for your time. 

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Is my LilyPilly dead?

Good afternoon @Ameenz it actually looks like it is burnt, I’m just going to tag @Noelle into the conversation as I want to get her opinion on it 😀

Getting Established

Re: Is my LilyPilly dead?

Thanks for getting back @mich19. Yes it does look sort of burnt. The leaves were initially all severely eaten and then slowly began to die. The other affected hedge got new growth after the spray. This one has looked like this for a few weeks now. Looking forward to your feedback.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Is my LilyPilly dead?

Hello @Ameenz 


I propose giving your Lilly Pilly another chance and not cutting it off straight away. It could be suffering from stress, and it might sprout new leaves. Let's wait for Noelles' verdict.


If you need further assistance, please let us know




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Getting Established

Re: Is my LilyPilly dead?

Thank you @EricL 

I will certainly want to give it time to heal if there is a chance. 

Kind of a Big Deal

Re: Is my LilyPilly dead?

Hi @Ameenz 

Yes, I'd have to agree with @mich1972 , your lilly pilly looks burnt. The new growth is worst affected.

It's important when using any garden sprays to follow the label instructions and to not spray during the hottest part of the day, when the sun is directly on the plant or if the plant is already stressed.

Only time will tell if the plant can be saved - you won't know until (or if) it starts to produce more new growth.

Getting Established

Re: Is my LilyPilly dead?

Thanks for getting back @Noelle . I did follow the dilution instructions on the label and sprayed in the evening. I got confused because 1 of the hedges recovered and the other just kept looking even more sad. I guess I'll just water and fertilize and keep my hopes up for a bit longer. 

Getting Established

Re: Is my LilyPilly dead?

I posted pictures of the 2 hedges for reference. One recovered with new growth evident, and the other one looking burnt.

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Is my LilyPilly dead?

Hi @Ameenz,


I'd hold off on any fertiliser at this stage as it will likely do more harm than good. You can apply Seasol, though, which is designed to help sick plants recuperate.




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Getting Established

Re: Is my LilyPilly dead?

Thank you @MitchellMc 

I'll try Seasol and update in a few days. 

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