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How to save my mint and coriander plants?

Growing in Experience

How to save my mint and coriander plants?




I bought some herbs from northmed bunnings around 3 weeks ago. Everything was going fine untill yesterday. I noticed a green caterpiller infestation in my mint and some white type insects in coriander. It was in each of the leaves, laid eggs already. I went back to the same bunnings and a lady from the garden advised me to buy a yates pyrethrum spray. I used that one on both mint and coriander yesterday night. Today morning the caterpillers and insects were died almost but the plants were looking kind of sick. Just now I noticed that all of the leaves of mint and coriander got black , like dead. I feel like crying seeing them like this. What should I do to save them, please advise me?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Re: Mint and coriander plant

Hi @Nabila,


It looks like there are possibly two separate issues going on here. The first is the insect infestation, and the second is the lack of water. How often are you watering these plants, and do they receive direct sun for most of the day? The soil looks exceptionally dry in both pots. The coriander's lower new growth has shrivelled up and died being scorched, or lack of water, and the mint is exhibiting blackened, shrivelled leaves, which is a classic sign of insufficient water. Mint grows best in damp soil.


I recommend you return these plants to the store with your proof of purchase and use our Perfect Plant Promise. Exchange them for a couple of new plants and get the team to check that they have no current insect issues. When you get your new plants home, place them out of the direct midday sun and water them when the soil becomes dry. If you wanted to try and save them, I'd suggest a thorough watering now and then watering every couple of days or when the soil dries out. When you do water, do so until water runs out the bottom of the pots, ensuring that the soil has become saturated.


Please let me know if you have further questions.





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