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Does anyone know how to deter bandicoots from the garden?

Re: Bandicoots

Can you recommend any particular brand/type of dynamic lifter. There appears to be a few to choose from: https://www.bunnings.com.au/search/products?q=dynamic+lifter&sort=BoostOrder&page=1


Also, I would prefer reduced odour. But will that still work in deterring bandicoots?

Re: Bandicoots

Welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community @muzzamuru. It's brilliant to have you join us, and many thanks for your question about Dynamic Lifter.


From reports, the smell deters the bandicoots, so using the reduced odour version will likely not be effective. I can see several posts indicating that even the normal version hasn't proved to be particularly effective. If you were to choose I'd recommend going for Yates 17.5kg Dynamic Lifter Organic Plant Fertiliser and Soil Improver or Yates 25kg Dynamic Lifter Standard Pellets Concentrated Organic Plant Fertiliser which is purely poultry manure.

Please let me know if you have any questions.




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Re: Bandicoots

Hi @Flo54 

Dogs.  Large ones are good!  Rescued greyhounds?  If allowed to become established rabbits will cause much more damage than a few bandicoots.  We were on a farm and the rabbits were the only animal I wanted to kill!  But the farm dogs were good at keeping them away from the kitchen garden! 👏


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