Looks fantastic @Kim. And it certainly seems to have got the thumbs up from the Lego fan pictured.
This is amazing, @Kim. Where can I order one? Haha
Also, is that Left Shark (of Superbowl fame) I can see on the far left? Surely not!
This is amazing! I love this
This is a great idea. I recently helped decorate my 5 year old cousins room, and we are yet to find an artwork for the wall. Looks like we will be mounting some toys! Great stuff
That looks awesome.....I have a bunch of Lego Simpsons characters that i would like to do the same with.
Question (or 2) for you @Kim:
How did you mount the white lego blocks on the backing board of the frame ?
Did you just buy plain white Lego blocks and glue it on ?
Thanks in advance.
Welcome to Workshop @THEChad and thanks for joining in the discussion. I hope you find the site to be informative, inspirational and plenty of fun.
I'm sure @Kim will be happy to answer your questions as soon as possible.
Please share your project when you make it! It would be great to see your handiwork too.
Looks great!
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