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Raised planter box using treated Pine

Making a Splash
Making a Splash

This planter box was built at a height that's easy to work with and has enough room to grow different vegetables in the same box.





The project


Made from treated Pine and lined with weed mat, this raised planter has been a real winner.


It is at a height that's easy to work with and at 1m x 700mm and 300mm deep, it's big enough to grow different vegetables.


More inspiration for your garden


Check out our Top 10 most popular raised garden beds and 7 ways to build a raised garden bed for more ideas for your garden.


Kind of a Big Deal



Love the raised planter box, do you have photos of it planted up please ?

Becoming a Leader

I'm longing to make something like this!  Congraulations!  I'm cautious about the use of treated pine though ... isn't it treated with arsenic?

Bunnings Team Member
Bunnings Team Member

Hi @Tyro,


Arsenic-based treatments are typically reserved for landscaping Pine that's being used in the ground, like sleepers or posts. Treated Pine used above ground for construction is generally H3-treated with a non-arsenic-based preservative. Regardless, as with this project, I always advise you to use builder's plastic to line the inside so the soil does not contact the timber.


Have a read through this article on How to choose the right timber for the job. You'll find a section on timber preservatives. I'd recommend against using timber treated with CCA, which uses arsenic and instead use ACQ, Micropro or LOSP. 


Please let me know if you have any questions.




Becoming a Leader

Thank you MitchellMc for the tips about timber treatments and what type of timber to use.  I didn't even know there was such a thing as builders plastic!  Luckily I'm being 'forced' to drop into Bunnings this week and I'll probably be 'forced' to buy some!! 

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