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Hanging flower wall decoration

Becoming a Leader
Becoming a Leader


Artificial flowers tied to fishing line and hung from a painted Pine board to create a floral cascade wall decoration.



The project


I love how my flower wall turned out. I see the potential in this type of installation for a bedroom (like ours) in place of artwork or a backdrop for a photo shoot or wedding or any other special event needing that extra something. As with any worthwhile project, there’s an investment in time but honestly something you can do whilst binging on the latest TV series. 


I had this idea that I wanted flowers to be suspended from the ceiling. Not like a mobile; more like a wall installation, suspended in air like they’d just fallen from a tree. I had one Pine piece left over from when I made the kids glamping tents so I decided that I would make it work.


Tools and materials


Materials used in the project:



Tools used in the project:







Step 1 


The frame.


Cut your timber to size. I measured the room and decided to cut a 1200mm length of Pine. 



Prime the frame and paint it your desired colour. In this instance, I used Dulux Rose Gold. I bought the accent colour for Charlotte’s room.



Pre-drill: I pre-drilled holes from the top to bottom of the timber at 75mm intervals.



Step 2


The flowers.


You will need a lot of flowers. I bought all of mine at Bunnings. 




Once I removed all of the labels, I then removed the leaves and put them aside and sorted the flowers into a pile.



Step 3


Add the fishing line.


This is easier said than done, but once you get going, it’s a very simple process. We rested the Pine on hooks so I could work on it in the living room. You need to hang it to work on it as you need to be able to see it all come together.


Thread the fishing line from the bottom of your pre-drilled holes up through the top and use painter's tape to stick it to the frame. I didn’t want to glue the fishing line in at first in case I needed to take it out or swap them around. As I had never built one of these, I had no idea what I was doing and didn’t want to damage the Pine in case I didn’t like it.


Cut the fishing line to your desired length. As you will be tying the flowers to the line, you will want to be overly generous in the lengths, as the finished length will be much shorter.


Step 4


Think about the design.


This is where the fun starts. I found having a process helps. Take some time to think about the design. You could have every second line as just leaves and alternate with a line of flowers, or you could do what I did and add both to each line but alternate between a flower and a leaf. You will need to trust the process as it will look pretty ordinary at first, until you have enough flowers on each line to start to fill the space. 


Step 5


Flower install.


At this point you just need to get started. I alternated between a leaf and a flower on each line and started with the top row then worked my way down e.g. row one, flower; row two, leaf; row three, flower; row four, leaf. I then alternated between the flower and leaf down each line. I did this to create some consistency without it being too uniform. 


Step 6


Secure to the wall.


You may do this step earlier in the process but I left it until the end as Charlotte’s room was still under construction. We used two long screws to secure the Pine to the wall, as I wanted it to set out from the wall. We covered the screws with 20mm electrical conduit which I had painted the same colour as the Pine.



Step 7


Glue the fishing line to the Pine.


Once the flower wall was completely finished and secured to the wall, I glued the fishing line at the top of the Pine and removed the tape that had been temporarily securing it to the wall. I did this last, in case I wanted to move them around or drop them down a little.





Community Megastar

Afternoon @Renowayoflife 

Wow! Must say I really like that idea! And the spacers to keep it off the wall and give depth :smile: Brilliant!


You could even do it outside for a break to the eyeline!


Love it, how did you come up with it btw?



Becoming a Leader

@Dave-1 Thank you and so glad you like it. I really wanted to create a magical space for my daughter so came up with the idea, like a fairy garden but space is limited so wanted it to be a wall hanging. I imagined the air catching it and it moving which is why we added the spacers, it brings it to life. I recently also added lights behind it.

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