Transforming an old garage into a pool cabana that ties in well with the Hamptons-style home helped increase the final offer on this house by $80,000.
We tried to produce a home and backyard that buyers had to have with this garage to pool cabana conversion. We had 53 groups through our first open for inspection – they were lined up down the street and the house sold really quickly. Converting that old garage was essential.
We used Colorbond in Shale Grey for the roof, with underside sheeting panels and Scyon timber-look panelling. We designed it to suit the new house, which was a bit Hamptons style.
We found top quality limestone tiles for $29.00 per sqm, before we built the house or renovated the cabana, and stored them at my husbands work. We had so many pallets of them and sold the leftovers after we'd finished and made a few hundred dollars there too. I still love the way they look. They are all class.
The cabana helped us sell this home for more. Our real estate agent said that it was one of the reasons we had two women fighting over this property, increasing the final offer by $80,000 in the last hour of negotiations. We have since found out that the new owners thought that the cabana was a new build along with the house, so I’ll take that as a win.
To make better use of an unused corner in the backyard, Workshop member Pete built this cabana by his pool area with a polished concrete bench seat and crazy pavers.
You'll find plenty of inspiration for tackling your next renovation in our Top 10 most popular renovation projects.
I love ❤️ it might follow suit with my carport that has the sand concrete bricks !!
Hello @MeganCooper
Let me tag @2Belindas to make them aware of your kind words. It's great that this project has inspired you to do the same to your carport. Please remember to post an update when you begin your project. I'm sure our members will be keen to see the start of your renovation.
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