The Bunnings Workshop community can help with your home improvement projects.
A comprehensive front yard makeover including new deck, landscaping, planting, turf installation, paving and fence rejuvenation using paint.
I overhauled the unused and wasted space in the front yard of my duplex. French doors have opened my lounge room right up, giving the perfect opportunity to build a deck and landscape the front yard.
Dug out the existing trees and shrubs, and removed the concrete garden edging.
Dad built the deck over the existing concrete before the French doors were put in.
Painted the fence and hired a concrete cutter from Kennards to cut concrete on both sides of the deck, and then sledge hammered the concrete out.
French doors were installed and then shovelled six cubic square meters of top soil to level out the ground. Reconfigured and moved the existing retic pipes to suit the new garden layout. Hedge planting then started.
Dad built two steps for the deck. A Corten steel retaining wall and edging were installed, top soil was levelled out and turf laid. Hedge planting on front boundary was next.
Stone pavers, native plants, mulch and boundary steel edging installed.
Materials used in the project:
Tools used in the project:
Experienced member LaCasaDIY completed a Mediterranean-inspired front facade makeover including arbor, planter boxes, paving and front entrance improvements.
Community member bthederan added new steps using timber sleepers and granite pavers as well as new garden beds in a steep front yard makeover.
Get more great ideas from our Top 10 most popular front yard projects.
Afternoon @Julzy1405
Wow! That is a dramatic change and absolutly love the core10 edging! The yard went from a lifeless carpark to something taht draws you in and makes you want to take it easy! The French doors give it a very nice impact.
Loved that your ripped up half the concrete, would have been a pain you nice work and no issues afterwards.
Any chance of a roundabout ish costing?
What a difference, great work.
Love what you have done here @Julzy1405 Its a very professional job and love the use of the raised Coreten facing level. You have made a very interesting feature to your property as well as value.
Workshop is a friendly place to learn, get ideas and find inspiration for your home improvement projects