Hi, I am going to wallpaper my bathroom and wondered if I could wallpaper in the shower and add a glass splashback over it. Does anyone know if this is going to work? I have seen companies that do put glass splashbacks into showers.
Many thanks for your advice
Hi @Jane13,
Thank you for your question and welcome to the Bunnings Workshop community, it is fantastic to have you with us.
In theory it is possible, but I would be concerned about moisture/humidity getting trapped behind the glass leading to mould growth.
If you were to go ahead, I would suggest using a suitably moisture resistant wallpaper and employing the services of a glazier or splashback installation company to assist with the install so you can ensure it is adequately attached and sealed to prevent any water getting in behind the glass.
Allow me to tag some of our helpful members to see if they have any thoughts, @Dave-1, @Jewelleryrescue, @Noyade.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Good Morning @Jane13
I would be hesitant in a large way to do that, mostly because the wallpaper will act like a wick and draw the moisture down through the paper that will make it discolour, mould or actual show up as that squished water look between glass and wall with time.
You could instead go down the path of a colurful patterned splashback and do the same with a glassed front (or just go with the splashback). No wicking of the paper and you could seal the top and sides so moisture wouldnt enter. That would look pretty nice.
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