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3 ways to create a feature wall

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hero feature wall.png


Turn a plain wall into the feature of any room using moulding, panelling or paint.


Bunnings Workshop community members have transformed bedrooms, living areas and hallways with impressive feature walls. Let us know if we can help recreate these designs for your home.


1. Moulding


Accent wall in entryway by @stelz 


Workshop member stelz revamped their entryway with this gorgeous accent wall using MDF moulding.


stelz feature wall.png


Bedroom feature wall using MDF moulding by @kellyyang 


Kelly transformed a plain wall into a bedroom feature with moulding and paint.


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Hallway feature wall by @Sooze 


Workshop member Sooze created this incredible feature wall in their hallway using Pine and paint.


Sooze feature wall.png


2. Paint


Brick feature wall using paint by @prettyliving 


Jess made this impressive brick feature wall in just one hour using paint and a sponge.


prettyliving feature wall.png


Bedroom makeover by @lcooksey88 


Workshop member lcooksey88 gave this bedroom a makeover with a custom desk, timber shelves and a feature wall painted with Dulux Ocean Trapeze.


lcooksey88 feature wall.png


3. Panelling


VJ panelling bedroom makeover by @craftyhopper 


Leanne created a beautiful bedroom retreat with VJ panelling painted in Porter's Paints Yacht Race.


craftyhopper feature wall.png


Wall panelling in kids bedroom by @kingj11 


Bunnings Workshop member kingj11 used three 1m wall panels painted in Dulux Paris Green Matte to create this stunning feature wall and finished it with a Tasmanian Oak trim.


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Feature wall with timber panelling by @Monika1 


Monika transformed this living room with an attractive feature wall using timber panelling and wallpaper.


Monika1 feature wall.png


For more panelling project inspiration, check out VJ panelling projects for any room in the house.


How to create a feature wall


Create your own feature wall with these simple step-by-step guides:





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